Stories review - «Way (to\of) Romani people»

We take a walk through the book «Way (to\of) Romani people» (publishing house "Vydavnytstvo"), a collection of stories about coexistence in a multicultural community, cohesion, mutual respect, and tolerance. They are about different people we see almost every day: a traveler in a train car; a young man who aspires to be an artist; an artist who created a free art school for children, etc. These stories are designed to "go beyond", break stereotypes and better understand yourself. The book is an anthology of 19 prose texts by Ukrainian and Roma authors, illustrated by five artists. The participants of the walk will be the authors of the project and the writers who worked on the creation of these stories.

Львівський книжковий ярмарок «Форум видавців»
15-19 вересня 2021 р