Olga Mukha

Olha Mukha, PhD, is a cultural analyst and philosopher, cultural manager, curator and expert on international communication and human rights. Known for her extensive work in cultural diplomacy and human rights. She is Co-Founder and Programme Director of the Ukrainian Association of Cultural Studies - Lviv and Head of Educational and International Department of Memorial Museum “Territory of Terror”. Senior Strategist at strategic communications (IN2). She is an expert in crisis communication, creating participant journeys for sensitive topics, aesthetic perception, and memory studies, including oral history practices. Curator and co-author of the illustrated literary-encyclopaedic guidebook "Lviv – City of Inspiration. Literature" (Old Lion Publishing House, 2017; awarded as best guidebook of 2018). Curator of the publication and moderator of the book and project "Dialogues On War" (VIVAT, 2024). Co-author of Stories from Ukraine: Believers and Stories from Ukraine: Keepers (Kovyla Publishing, 2024) Author of over 70 scientific publications, numerous articles, and columns. Olha Mukha was the University professor in Lviv University and Pedagogical University of Kyiv, teaching culture management, legal aspects of culture market and philosophical disciplines over 15 years. She defended her PhD dissertation in Philosophy on "Category of Human Bodiness in Philosophical and Theological Tradition in the Early West European Middle Ages" (2007) and LLM (2008), docent and academic researcher. She curated a number of exhibition formats, also consulted the rebranding and development strategies of various culture institutions. She is a former Chairwoman and co-founder of the Lviv City of Literature UNESCO Office (from 2014 to 2016), representing Ukrainian literature abroad and Honorary Ambassador of Lviv (2020-2022) Curator of UNSEEN FORCE - Ukrainian non-violent resistance, “Lost Childhood”, “Wounded Culture” projects, co-curator of “ANGELS” exhibition (section “Kitsch”). Author and Host in PODCAST #gentleukrainization (UA) Host and Moderator of DIALOGUES ON WAR (ENG) Information and Publishing Lead and Member of the Executive Board of the Global Ukrainian Scouts Organisation PLAST. Member of the CHYTOMO Expert Council. Between 2018 and 2023 Olha Mukha worked for the Headquarter of PEN International in London as Congresses, Committees and New Centres Manager, continuously sharing this position with her expert involvement in art, cultural, human rights, and academic projects.

Львівський книжковий ярмарок «Форум видавців»
15-19 вересня 2021 р