Inna Pidluska

Inna Pidluska, Deputy Executive Director of the International Renaissance Foundation Inna works with IRF’s thematic programs and development, and leads IRF’s collaboration with other civil society donors. Inna’s professional focus is on fostering meaningful engagement of civil society in Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery and reforms leading Ukraine to eventual EU accession, including democratic governance, transparency and accountability, and civic participation at the national and local levels. She also oversees IRF’s support to think tanks and policy advocacy. Prior to joining IRF as the Deputy Executive Director in 2011, Inna served as Executive Director of the Yalta European Strategy, YES (2006-2011). Previously she was the founding director of the Europe XXI Foundation, and co-founding program director at the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research. She served on the IRF’s Executive Board and expert sub-boards, was a member of the Steering Committee of the World Movement for Democracy, chaired the Board of the Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum. Currently she is a member of the Board of the Prague Civil Society Center and a member of the Advisory Board of the House of Europe in Ukraine.

Львівський книжковий ярмарок «Форум видавців»
15-19 вересня 2021 р