Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

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  • 79010, Україна, Львівська область, м. Львів, вул. Пекарська, 69

Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Latin: Universitatis Medicinalis Leopoliensis), (Ukrainian: Львiвський Національний Медичний Унiверситет iм. Данила Галицького) — formerly known as the Lviv State Medical Institute, earlier the Faculty of Medicine of the John Casimir University and, before that, Faculty of Medicine of the Francis I University — is one of the oldest and biggest medical universities in Ukraine. LNMU begins from the Medical Faculty of Lviv University, which was opened on November 16, 1784, according to the privilege of the Austrian emperor Josef II. The medical school is named after King Daniel of Galicia, the historical founder of the city in 1256 AD. In 2009 University celebrated its 225 anniversary.

Львівський книжковий ярмарок «Форум видавців»
15-19 вересня 2021 р